The 4-Week Workshop

Learn how to use your body and mind in a way that leads to a sense of peace and empowerment.

Topics Covered:

  • Understanding the "energetics" of you. (Mysterious word... but the electrical current flowing through your nervous system is a form of energy... just as gravity is a form of energy... don't make it weird;)
  • Learning the superpower of conscious and deliberate relaxation (both physically and mentally)
  • The significance of your imagination and how to use it to release undersirable thought patterns, emotions, or habitual behaviors
  • How becoming aware of or "in-tune" with the body (through various mindfulness techniques) can drastically improve physical health
  • Simple movement and breathing techniques to energize the body and mind or radically alter our emotions (valuable in preventing us from "spiraling")

Overarching Objective:

  • Provide you with the tools and information needed to gain greater levels of control over your mind, body, and emotions on a consistent basis.
  • Assist you in creating the lifestyle of good health: Mentally, Physically, Emotionally.

(Learn to create a consistent routine that works for you.)

Listen to an overview here:

What to expect to walk away with:

  • A series of simple physical movements to incorporate into your daily routine
  • A daily routine customized for you
  • Customized meditation recordings for your specific needs
  • A daily checklist to keep yourself accountable
  • Mental exercises to strengthen your mind and reduce stress
  • Greater levels of peace


  • Two One-on-One Sessions


  • Begins Monday February 3rd
  • Live Calls Every Monday
  • Weekly "Homework" Assignments (Downloadable Audios, PDFs, and Exercises)

Additional Notes:

  • Live calls are active. Movement is part of this course. (Not a workout, but expect to move at times and stand on camera... and to participate verbally)
  • You will be given documents to print; In print may work better than digital. (Papers that will be referenced daily)

Who It's For:

  • Those that want to understand the fundamental principles of mind
  • Desire to take control of their overall health– mental, physical, emotional
  • Desire to develop a personal meditation practice
  • People that want to experience inner stillness and peace
  • Understands the significance of the mind
  • Wants to learn how to gain greater control of their thoughts, emotions, and habits
  • Wants to achieve greater levels of calmness more frequently
  • Looking for tools to "reset their energy"
  • Willingness to do the work
  • Recognizes there's more going on here than what's going on here ;)

Want more information?

Click Here


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Sharing information on use of the mind so we can gain a greater understanding of who we are and how we operate.

Listen on Spotify

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